W3Schools.com, the most popular and best web developer information and learning website, where beginners who are new to this field can learn coding easily and for free. You can find few popular web development topics such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Ajax, ASP, VBScript, PHP, SQL and JQuery to learn from and practice them for free! Sometimes, it happens that you can't find your required code and want to jump to other website similar to that. So, are you looking for few other websites that are similar to W3Schools.com? In this article, I have mentioned the 5 similar websites.
One more awesome site that is very similar to w3schools.com. It provides the following tutorials. Html, Css, JavaScript, Asp, Xhtml, PHP, CGI, basic SSI tutorials. Easy and fun to learn !
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HtmlCodeTutorials.com is one of the best helpful guiding website that helps to create websites easy and faster. The tutorial list it provides are as follows: Html, Html5, Dhtml, Css, JavaScript. This website also contains a Forum where people can discuss on their issues/problems. Unlike w3Schools.com which provides short description, this website provides long and brief description about a particular topic. This might really be useful for the beginners.
HtmlDog.com is similar to htmlcodetutorial.com that provides the brief description about a particular topic. HtmlDog provides only 3 tutorials, that are as follows: HTML, CSS, JavaScript. The tutorials are very neat and understandable.
Tizag.com is very similar to w3schools.com. It provides the following tutorials. Html, Css, JavaScript, PHP, Perl, Ajax, ASP, VBScript. Compared to all the 4 mentioned websites, Tizag contains more number of tutorials and it also provides a brief description about a particular topic. I will definitely recommend you people to visit this website!
Unlike other websites, Tizag also provides the tool for practising the code for free.
Another great website that provides the following tutorials. Html, Css, Perl & CGI, ASP, JavaScript, SQL. A very helpful website that briefly describes every topic with good examples.
One more awesome site that is very similar to w3schools.com. It provides the following tutorials. Html, Css, JavaScript, Asp, Xhtml, PHP, CGI, basic SSI tutorials. Easy and fun to learn !
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